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Annual Exhibition 2018 At Tegg’s Nose

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Tegg's Nose May 2018

Annual Exhibition at Tegg’s Nose – May to June 2018

Tegg's Nose May 2018 - 1

The Annual Exhibition has moved up to Tegg’s Nose Country Park and can be viewed in the Ranger’s Gallery. This is our third Exhibition of the season and once again shows off the talent in the club. It represents the culmination of an absolutely fabulous season. So if you didn’t manage to get to see the exhibition at Macclesfield Library take a trip up to Tegg’s Nose to enjoy the images and maybe take in the views and a slice of cake. 

Season 2017 – 2018

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Well the 2017-2018 season has come to an end and thank you to all those who came to the club over the season. 

A big thank you to all our members for supporting the club, to all those who have volunteered their time across the season. A big thank you to the committee members again who volunteer their time not just in the season but throughout the year.  Equally a big thank you to all those who submitted images in the internal competitions and external competitions which enabled us to regain both the Robertshaw and High Peak Trophies.

Some items of note though:

  • Congratulation to Malcolm Brunt for winning the President’s Cup reflecting his work over the season. There were a few others who could have so nearly received this, but sadly there is only one cup. They are however worthy of a mention: Irene Lea and Keith Parker, both of whom have contributed so much this season.
  • Congratulations most also go to Anthony Gosling, Paul Scott, Dave Boam and Conor Molloy  who again have shared with us their fantastic images and we’re looking forward to more in the new season.
  • For those who weren’t able to get to the library we will be showing our Annual Exhibition up at Tegg’s Nose over the coming weeks.
  • A big thank you to Val and Vince for putting together such an excellent programme this season. We are always after suggestions and ideas so please don’t hold back. 
  • We were sorry to see Kevin and Alison Lomax depart for more exotic climes but thank them for all their support over the seasons and wish them well in their new adventure. 

There have been a lot of changes during the season and equally a lot of changes in the pipeline. We’ll ensure these are covered in the minutes of the AGM so I hope you will take a few moments to read the minutes of the AGM when they have been finalised, but to headline some of the items:

  • GDPR, how we plan to keep details of members and use this data
  • Subscription, we’ll be reviewing our subscription over the closed season
  • Season Length
  • Changes to the committee
  • Next season’s competitions and potential new cup
  • Exhibition Reprise

I hope you have enjoyed the season and I look forward to an equally enjoyable 2018-2019 season.

In the meantime have a great summer and see you in September, if not before.

Annual Exhibition 2018

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Our Annual Exhibition kicked off last night with the official opening at Macclesfield Library. In total we had 84 prints and 112 PDIs. It was great to see so may prints as only a few years ago we were suffering from a lack of prints. This year the standard was as high as ever so well done everyone who won and well done to all those who entered. A big thank you to Darrell Oakden our judge for the evening and for coping with the technical issues in the 2nd half. 

The winning prints and images, as well as prints and images from across the competition, can be viewed in the gallery at Macclesfield Library. The full list of classified prints and images can be found here: Winning Scores (Excel) or Winning Scores (PDF)

The full set of PDI’s entered is also available to see on the Monitor

PDI – Winners


Print Winners


Best Overall PDI 

Bearded Reedling with Nest Material by David Tolliday

Bearded Reedling with Nest Material by David Tolliday


Best Overall Print 

Duel at the Etihad by Conor Molloy

Duel at the Etihad by Conor Molloy

PDI – Highly Commended


Print – Highly Commended


Anthony Gosling Wins the Internal Competition League (again!)

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Congratulations to Anthony on taking first place in our annual competition league for the second successive year.  Just as happened last year, the top of the league was very close going into the final round with Anthony leading Paul Scott by one point.  However, in the final round Anthony inched ahead and finished with 152 points compared to Paul’s 150 points.  

In our league table for the season, the lowest scoring round for each individual is dropped from the overall score.  Whilst most entrants have one low scoring round during the season, Anthony has scored 37 or more in every round.  This is fantastic consistency.

This year’s top four are exactly the same as last year’s and in the same order – Anthony (152), Paul (150), Dave Boam (147) and Conor (144).  It’s worth noting, though, that Malcolm Brunt, Irene Lea and Keith Parker have all improved significantly over last season.

The full final league table can be found here.  Thank you to everyone who has entered this season’s competitions.

One of Anthony’s top-scoring images from this season.

Fifth Internal Competition 2017-18 – ‘Movement’ DPI

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We held our fifth and final competition of the season on Monday 26th March.  This was a DPI-only competition with a theme of ‘Movement’  The judge was Ove Alexander of Stockport Photographic Society.  The competition attracted 44 entries from 16 entrants.  Thank you to all who submitted images.

Congratulations go to Anthony Gosling who’s image, ‘Chemical Beach’, scored 20 points.  Congratulations also to Irene Lea and Malcolm Brunt who each had images scoring 19 points.

Thank you to Ove Alexander for his comments and scoring on the night.

The full list of results can be found here.

The final league table will be published in a separate post – watch this space!

‘Chemical Beach’ by Anthony Gosling