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Anthony Gosling Wins the Internal Competition League

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Congratulations to Anthony on taking first place in our annual competition league.  Going into the final round, Paul Scott and Anthony were in joint first place, each with 138 points.  In last night’s competition, Anthony moved one point ahead of Paul to a score of 139.  (Remember that each person’s lowest scoring round is dropped from the final total).  Given the range of competition themes over the five rounds, this shows great consistency.

Also, well done to Paul who was second with 138 and to David Boam who came third with 136.

Finally, thanks to all who have entered images into this season’s competitions.  The full league table can be found here (MCC Scores After Round 5).

Here’s one of Anthony’s highly commended entries from last night.

Internal Competition – Advertisement

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Thanks to all those who submitted entries for the final round of this season’s internal competitions.  The theme was ‘Advertisement’ and it attracted some very creative entries.  Thank you to Geoff Reader of Alsager Camera Club for his comments on all the submitted images and for his selection of the winning entries.

Congratulations to David Boam who came first with “Blockbuster”, Stephen Bolton who came second with “Limoncello” and David Boam (again!) who came third with “Gin”.

The full list of scores can be accessed here (Advertisement Scores).

Macc finish a strong 7th out of 44 clubs in L&CPU Federation competition

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Well done to all our club photographers who contributed to us achieving upper quartile positioning in the recent L&CPU competition. We finished 7th overall among the 44 clubs who entered with a mixture of Colour, Mono & Nature images. Macc’s performance was consistently good across both the print and PDI sections enabling us to achieve a strong final result.  The image of the African Fish Eagle by Steve Gresty was one of ours that achieved the maximum mark. 

African Fish Eagle Landing by Steve Gresty

Latest Competition Scores – It’s a Dead Heat Going Into The Final Round!

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The league table has now been updated following round 4 of our internal competition, held on 27th February.  Paul and Anthony are currently tied for first place so everything hangs on the final round which will be held on 3rd April.

Click on this link to see the full list of scores for round 4 (Open DPI 20170227 Results).

Click on this link to see the current league table (MCC Scores After Round 4).

Impala runs away with first prize

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Congratulations to Alison Lomax on her winning image of an Impala running at full tilt. Judged by our internal judges Howard Self, Vince Sparks, Martin Welsh and Stephen Bolton as the best image on the night in our Open PDI competition. Well done also to Anthony Gosling who came in a close second with his “Descent” seascape image and to Steve Gresty whose action packed picture of two Herons fighting was placed third. Well done to Paul Scott and Steve Gresty whose four images were all placed as Highly Commended on the night.

Running Impala by Alison Lomax