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Club Trip to Photograph Birmingham

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As part of our new season we’re trying to get out more as a group. Following the success of the trip to the Treacle Market we ventured further afield this time to Brum early on a Saturday morning in November. With thanks once again to Vince for putting a plan together and checking up on train times and costs a happy band of photographers met up at Macclesfield station.

To those familiar with Brum and especially the John Lewis building the only sad item on the trip was the fact that it had been clad, we’re not sure why but I’m sure someone will tell us. However the cladding itself made for some interesting images. We then wandered down into the Market area which has seen better days but we were rewarded by some truly stunning street art some of which is in the gallery below. We ended up spending a long time capturing the art.

Then back into the city and the ever impressive library and canal areas. Thanks again to Vince for pulling this all together, The images below exhibit just a small selection of the images captured and we’re planning on presenting more at the club. It is interesting that even though we were photographing the same subjects there is a lot of variety in the final images.

p.s. There are 2 pages of images, so don’t forget to look on the 2nd page 🙂

Cormorant by Jeff Dakin - 20 Points

Macclesfield Camera Club wins The Robertshaw Trophy

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Macclesfield Camera Club have regained The Robertshaw Trophy, a competition that they last won in 2018.  The Robertshaw Trophy is an inter club photographic competition held annually between five clubs – Blythe Bridge, Crewe, Holmes Chapel, Leek and Macclesfield.

Each club is required to submit 12 digital images with a maximum of 3 images per photographer.  An independent judge scores each entry out of 20.

The result was very close, Macclesfield finally winning by a margin of 6 points with a score of 212 points.  Two of the Macclesfield images,  Steve Gresty’s White Tailed Eagle Confrontation and Jeff Dakin’s Cormorant, received a maximum of 20 points.

If you are interested in coming along to the club for photographic help, advice or just like photography, you will be be very welcome to join us on alternate Monday evenings at 8pm at Gawsworth Village Hall. For further information go to our website:

Treacle Market - Cheshire Cheese 2 by Vince Sparks

Macclesfield Treacle Market

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Macclesfield Treacle Market

Each month in Macclesfield and on the last Sunday of the month Macclesfield holds the Treacle Market and it has recently been able to return to a more active event following the easing of Covid restrictions. The most recent Treacle Market at the end of September turned out to be a very well attended with both lots of stalls containing a great of many varieties of goods from food to fauna, apples to zebras as well as lots of happy purchasers and browsers

Prior to the market Vince was able to get very positive encouragement from the market’s organisers for us to come down and photograph it. They were very keen that we take part and help them capture the atmosphere of the market in order to help publicise the event. It also has to be said that all the stall holders were very happy for us to come down and take photographs which made the daunting task of street photography a pleasure rather than a challenge!

So a hardy group of us from the club ventured forth on Sunday with various types of cameras taking various types of images to try and capture the day. The above is just a selection of the many images we managed to capture. The above is just a small selection of the images captured. Thanks to Vince, Sarah, Martin and Kevin for the images.

A big thanks also to Vince for organising this and encouraging us to take part.

L&CPU Natural History – 2021

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We decided to enter the L&CPU Competition this season at late notice and were able to submit our entry into the Natural History section. Due to the high standard of the images, particularly from Steve Gresty and David Tolliday we came third out of 40 clubs tying with North Cheshire. Congratulations in particular goes to Steve for receiving maximum scores of 20 for both his images and equally to Dave for receiving top marks and a 17 for his images. All of our submitted images can be found in the competitions images section on the web site.

White Tailed Eagle Tussle - Steve Gresty - 20 pts
White Tailed Eagle Tussle – Steve Gresty – 20 pts

Photographic Challenge – March 2021 – Time

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To get our mental juices flowing and delve into the wonders of new technology we set ourselves a challenge to capture an image (or three) and process them solely using our mobile devices or tablets. To further push the challenge our images had to relate to the subject of time.

7 of our members rose to the challenge and submitted a total of 17 images with a wide variety of subjects captured. We then presented the images at our Photographic Challenge evening and allowed our members to select their favourite images.

Congratulations to Vince Sparks our resident mobile phone guru for walking away with the most popular image: ‘Dimensions in Time’ which was not only a great image but also demonstrated what was possible using Snapseed. Vince also had the second favoured image (‘Looking Back in Time’) with the third going to Denis Jones for his image ‘Ravaged by Time’.

Congratulations and thanks for all those who took part either in the competition or at the evening where a lot of discussion on the images and also what is possible on mobile devices. Thanks also to Denis for pulling this all together.

Dimensions In Time
Dimensions In Time

All the images can be found below.

Photographic Challenge - Time