The Macclesfield Camera Club have now opened their second exhibition at the Teggs Nose Tea rooms. The theme this time is “Autumn & Winter”. Images are on display from Alison Lomax, David Tolliday, Steve Gresty, Alan Bardsley, Terry Heathcote, Martin Welch, Denis Jones, Kevin Lomax, Kevin Blake & Conor Molloy. The exhibition will be open every day from 9am – 5pm until 11th January 2017. Images are on sale from £35 for an unframed mounted print.
A selection of the clubs images at the Teggs Nose exhibition.
Thanks to all who submitted entries for our second competition of the season, ‘Isolated Objects’ DPI. Thanks also to our judge, Darrell Oakden from Alsager CC for his judging and comments on the night. Congratulations go to Conor Molloy, Kevin Blake and Dave Boam for taking first, second and third places respectively. Conor’s winning image is below. Also, well done to all the people who’s images were Highly Commended and Commended.
The current league table is shown below. This includes all people who have entered images in both rounds.
For a different type of evening at the club, Alex and Michelle paid us a visit from The TinType Trailer on 7th November. TinType Trailer specialise in Wet Collodion Processing onto tin plate and travel the country with their trailer-come-darkroom and studio. This was a very enjoyable evening with lots of hands on interaction between the club members and Alex and Michelle, culminating in a number of images being taken and processed as part of the evening. As ever, time was against us otherwise we could have spent a lot longer with them.
The processed images can be found below, together with links to The TinType Trailer, their blog about their visit to the club and Conor’s enjoyable summary of the evening. Thanks to Lewis and Helena for the images and video and Steve for scanning the processed group images, the latter of which look dark but appear better on TinType Trailers blog.
From Conor:
Probably the most intriguing and mad set up we have had at the camera club of late. Having your picture taken with a camera from the 1870’s and processed on a thin plate of tin with a multitude of authentic chemicals of the era will take some beating. It was indeed a most enjoyable experience by common consent, just thank goodness things have moved on a bit since then. Michelle & Alex from Tin Type Trailer were really good folk to have at the club and gave us a wonderful insight into their passion for an aspect of the photographic processes of yesteryear. Great stuff. Thanks to everyone who helped with the packing up of all that gear at the end.
Last Monday, November the 7th 2016, myself and Alex were invited to the Macclesfield Camera Club at Macclesfield library. I have to be honest I was a little nervous about speaking to a group of photographers and camera enthusiasts, especially in a lecture theatre. My nerves were soon gone when the club members began to turn up 20 minutes early, showing a real excitement, as we continued to set up our studio and inside darkroom.
Over the last few months we have been invited to work at all kinds of evening and indoor events as well as the summer festivals that we attend with the trailer. This has been a great time for us to develop our set up, which we feel is working fantastically. Please see
The evening was a huge success, we began the evening with a quick intro to Wet Plate Collodion, followed by a demonstration of making a tin type, we then finished with some group photos and lots of sharing of ideas and knowledge.
Congratulations to Keith Parker who recently came second in the Aspiring Class of the Disabled Photographer’s Society (DPS) competition on the theme of ‘Landscape’. The DPS is a national charity for disabled photographers in the UK and has over 500 members. Keith’s image is of the Newcastle Swing Bridge taken at night.