Kingfisher with two fish by Steve Gresty
Congratulations to Steve Gresty whose wonderfully detailed image of a Kingfisher with two fish won the public vote at our exhibition. There were a total of 192 votes cast, an uplift of nearly 100% on last year marking an encouragingly positive trend of interest in our work by the Macclesfield public matched by our improving standard of photography. I know a lot of you picked up very positive vibes about the quality of the exhibition so well done to all who entered. Points were awarded as 3 points for 1st preference, 2 points for 2nd preference and 1 point for third preference. The Top 10 scores were :
1st Kingfisher with two fish by Steve Gresty (76 points)
2nd Kissing Beeeaters by Conor Molloy (72 points)
3rd Over & Under by Anthony Gosling (63 points)
4th Great Grey Owl hunting in the snow by Conor Molloy (47 points)
5th Core of the Milky Way by David Tolliday (42 points)
6th Reflections by Len Claydon (38 points)
7th Still Going Strong by Anthony Gosling (36 points)
7th Gaze by Anthony Gosling (36 points)
9th Grazing Geese by Alison Lomax (34 points)
9th Havanna School Run by Len Claydon (34 points)